Sunday, April 21, 2024

Bellflower Corruption is Truth, Not Rhetoric

So you pull into a  parking spot on the side of the street on a Saturday morning and the sign says "No Parking Friday." You are happy it is a Saturday, and you turn off the car and go to morning mass at the Catholic church; but when you return there's a $75 parking citation under your windshield wiper. You look back at the sign and it still says "No Parking Friday". You check your phone calendar and it still says this is Saturday. Something is wrong. Why did I get a ticket for No Parking Friday when it is Saturday ? You walk up the block a ways and now you see a sign that says "No Parking Saturday" either. What the &#(&^@% ?? As it turns out, this street in front of St Bernard Catholic Church in Bellflower, has signs for No Parking Saturday as well as Friday, but they are not on the same pole. You might see one or the other depending where you pull in along the street. It is EXTREMELY misleading, and surely they periodically make an easy $75 bucks from some innocent person who comes along to go to church. Usually it's probably somebody from elsewhere who's just visiting but it could trip up a regular customer as well if they usually park in the parking lot, and one day they come along a little late and decide to park on the street. It's deceptive. Maybe it wasn't originally intended to be deceptive but it was happenstance, typical bureacracy : left hand not realizing what the right hand is doing. But once they 've been notified of the deceiving situation, an honest municipality would correct it. The CIty of Bellflower refuses to correct their ineptitude or intentional trap. Thus, it is not rhetoric to call them CORRUPT. It is reality. 

Bellflower Corruption is Truth, Not Rhetoric

So you pull into a  parking spot on the side of the street on a Saturday morning and the sign says "No Parking Friday." You are ha...